CrankIR 80m-2m Vertical Antenna Package

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SKU: 00301-SPS Category:


A lightweight, high performance, extremely portable vertical antenna

A lightweight, high performance, extremely portable vertical antenna rated at 1500 watts key-down with fully manual operation (no electrical power or controller required). It’s patented folded design allows for a 40% reduction in size with only a 0.3dB reduction in performance compared to a full length vertical. CrankIR is a high-performance on-the-road antenna. Perfect for deploying your team in an emergency, or for a public service event. CrankIR sets up quickly and allows you the flexibility to change bands even faster. Just “Turn the Crank”, that’s it! No fussing with changing traps, taps, or coils. This is a serious antenna for every communication need – even if your “emergency” is just letting fellow hams know its a beautiful day on the beach!

  • 80m-2m continuous coverage
  • 16 ft Fiberglass Pole (2 lb, 24″ collapsed)
  • Weight 3.3 lb (main unit)
  • Tunable Radial 1.5 lb
  • Frequency Range* 3.5 - 148MHz w/80m Extension (included)
    Power Rating 1.5 kW
    16 ft Fiberglass Pole Length 24 in collapsed
  • Main Unit 3.3 lbs
    16ft Fiberglass Pole 2.0 lbs
    Tunable Radial 1.5 lbs
    6ft Stand 5 lbs

Additional information

Weight 31 lbs