EHU, DB18/18E 40m Driven w/ Normal Passive Relay

New High Performance Balun!

DB18/18E Director or Reflector EHU (End Elements)


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40m driven w/ Normal Passive Relay replacement element housing unit (EHU) for DB18/18E, includes gasket.

New EHU’s now include a high performance balun that requires an external 1:1 choke. If you are purchasing a New EHU you will either need to pick a 8ft or 11ft 6in coax choke jumper which will be used to connect to the coax switch box.

*Does not include cover/mounting plate, cable, or mounting hardware due to the different applications some of the EHU’s can be used in.

*EHU pictured is a general representation and may not resemble this specific EHU exactly.

  • Refurbished units:
  • We are ending our refurbished EHU program, due to a lack of EHU’s available for reconditioning.  This is good news, because it speaks to the long-term reliability of our products due to the many improvements and upgrades we have made in the last decade.  We will continue to offer a core trade-in on old EHU’s, when purchasing new ones from SteppIR. 
  • Trade-ins for New Units:
  • You can trade in your old EHU for $95 towards a brand new EHU
  • Requires core unit be sent back within 30 days of receiving new unit
  • Your card will be charged for new unit price if we do not receive the core within 30 days
  • Core unit must be the same type as the new unit. Old-style grey/green housings are NOT accepted.

Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
EHU Condition

New EHU, Refurbished EHU, Trade-in for New Unit