EHU Contact Brush


SKU: 70-7001-01 Categories: ,


These are replacements for the 8 prong contact brush used inside of all motorized SteppIR EHUs. This is our newest design utilizing a new contact material which has reduced friction between the copper tape and contact brush assembly. This new contact also has significantly higher conductivity making it a better RF conductor.

For passive EHUs these are plug and play, ready to install.

For driven EHUs these will require being cut to make 2qty 4 prong contact brushes.

The brush contact will not sit flat on the copper tape, this is by design. To get the most life out of the contact it must start touching the copper tape at an angle so by the end of its life it has fully worn the contact surface. The surface area that does make contact in the beginning of its life is more than enough for high power and will make no difference to its power handling capability. 

If installing into an old platen style (2 piece with white cover) you may need to trim the edge of the brush near the contact so that it does not touch the edge of the old platen.

If you are having problems with your 40m looped element we highly recommend upgrading to a higher current output power supply, to the new sweep design which has a smoother transition between the fiberglass pole and PE sweep, and also upgrading to our new EHU contact brush which helps reduce friction in the EHU. 

EHU Contact Brush Replacement Install Manual can be found on our Downloads/Manuals page.